Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A rough patch

Let me start by saying even with two birthdays, a mini bout of the flu (thanks to a flu vaccination), and ill relatives I still managed to bring it down to 253.4!!!!!! So that's another 3 pounds for a total of 13 lbs and 2 oz!!!!!

On to the details. Firstly I should start with the ill relatives, my uncle Chris had to have his gallbladder removed. Typically this would not be a big deal. Typically it is a lapriscopic procedure with a quick recuperation time, but my uncle has AIDS, and his health has been failing for sometime now. It is not so hard for me to accept because I know he has had a long and amazing life, but my mom is crushed and anything that breaks my mom's heart breaks mine. It is starting to look as though he may pull through now, so that is good. The other ill relative is my fiance's grandmother. She suffered a heart attack a few weeks back and she is not recovering as hoped. Again it is not so hard on me personally because do not know her very well, but it is very hard on Ryan. He just reconnected with her a couple of years ago, and so he not handling the prospect of losing her very well. Which in turn is hard on me.

Next on my list of events would be flu vaccinations. I received the flu shot which is the dead virus and I did have two yucky days afterward. My son on the other hand received the flu mist, on the recommendation of the nurse at the Health Department, which is the live virus. He was sick for four days! Never again. Next year he is getting the shot. I can't stand to see my baby sick! I don't know what that silly woman was thinking. She said it works faster. I'll say. Well hopefully he won't be sick all school year, like he was last year. I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.

Last but not least, birthdays! My mother and my step-father both had their birthdays this past week. I decided to try and cheer my mom up (even though she told me that she didn't want anything whatsoever done for her birthday, that it was "just another day"). So I made her homemade carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. By the way it work, if just a little. For my step-father we did the whole shebang! Chile rellenos, refried beans w/ cheese, Spanish rice, pico de gallo with chips, sweet tea, and polished it all off with a homemade cookies and cream layer cake and vanilla ice cream.

As mentioned in previous blogs, I am a stress eater and with everything going on, including all the yummy food, I was certain I was going to gain twenty pounds. Amazingly enough how ever I lost 3!!! I still can't believe it, but I will gladly accept it! I know though that I have no more blaring temptations until Halloween so I plan to be very, very good... until then, because we all have to be at least a little naughty on Halloween!

So that pretty much sums up this past week. Here's to hoping that this next week will be happy and productive for us all!

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I think your walking and exercise might have boosted your metabolism. You're probably burning more calories all the time. keep up the good work.
