Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Days 2 & 3

Day 2

Nothing of much note happened. It was my day off from exercising (I am only exercising every other day right now, at least until I get used to it then I will increase my activity). Since I have been so sedentary in the last few years I think it wise to take it slow.

As far as consuming calories, I only consumed 805. It didn't see to me that I was eating much less than what I normally would have eaten it was just better for me. No cookies or chips, no ice cream or candy, no pastries, or fried foods. I did notice that I drank a lot more fluids, mainly Crystal Light. All in all it seemed like a normal day.

I did find a website where I can create a meal diary and an exercise diary to monitor how many calories I consume and burn. I only signed up for the free access membership but there is another one that they offer that you can purchase (I don't really see the need in doing that). You can even plot out a walking, running, or biking map. The web address is http://www.livestrong.com. So far I like it but time will tell. I suggest that if you are interested that you at least check it out.

Day 3

So I slipped today. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was just starting to fall asleep when my 5am alarm went off. I reset the alarm for 6:30 and rolled over. There was no way I was getting up to walk to the bathroom let alone a mile around the neighborhood. Now instead of beating myself up I have decided to accept it. We all have to face the fact that we are merely human and therefore there are going to be days when things don't work out as planed. As long as the good days far out weigh the bad we are still on the right track.

Diet wise though I behaved marvelously. Oatmeal and a glass of skim milk for breakfast, half a turkey sandwich, a string cheese, and a salad for lunch, chicken and rice pilaf for dinner, then a Blue Bunny sugar-free fudge bar for desert. So all in all I consumed 1137 calories and burned over 650 leaving me with a calorie deficit of around 700. Not too shabby if you ask me.

Now tomorrow is another day, and one which I plan on seizing. So until then thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. another good free diet site is sparkpeople.com. You can keep track of your food and exercise there. check it out.
